by GM Andrey Gutov
I stumbled across a chess video in YouTube which has 300K views (As of Oct 31, 2020) titled “The Trappiest Opening in Chess“.
The game from the YouTube video starts as a Petrov’s defense, but instead of classical move 3. ..d6 (the main line), black plays 3…Nc6?! ( diagram below; 4th most played move according to Chessbase, with a 61.6% score), that initiates the Stafford Gambit. Despite the opening evaluation in favor of white, this opening is full of traps that White can easily fall into. However, if played correctly White has a very pleasant advantage without any risk.

Do you know what is White’s proper response with an winning advantage? If you want to learn more, please sign up with an introductory lesson with GM Andrey Gutov via Skype.